Genesis 13:7; Luke 8:34
by Stephen Stewart

Genesis 13:7 - "and there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram’s cattle and the herdsmen of Lot’s cattle ..."

Luke 8:34 - "When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they fled, and told it in the city and in the country."

The biblical herdsman was one who supervised and cared for groups of cattle, pigs, oxen, horses, camels, or asses. The patriarchs, of course, were great herdsmen. Although we might think of this as being a relatively lowly occupation, it was not inconsistent with state honors. For example, David’s herdsmen were among his chief officers of state. In general, however, the herdsman was seldom the owner of the flock or herd which he tended.

The rich owners of herds placed them in charge of herdsmen, whose duty it was to protect them from wild beasts, to keep them from straying and to lead them to suitable pasture. They provided the animals with hay and other forage when pasturage was low and made salt licks available for the herds. For protection for his animals, the herdsmen carried a sharpened or metal-pointed goad.

The herdsman bred and raised his animals for food, for sale, and for sacrifice. Special animals, like fattening calves or those used in travel, were kept grazing near the houses or were fed chopped straw. barley, or the like and put into a manger.

We will discuss details on clothing, living, etc. under the heading of SHEPHERD. It must be obvious that the comparable occupation today would be that of the man who raises cattle, pigs, horses, etc. Although we are fortunate enough to have modern means of caring for these animals, and of raising them under the most sanitary and healthful conditions, still in the Near East, the herdsman is a familiar figure on the landscape, living and doing his work in the same way that it has been done in these countries for many, many centuries.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Occupations Of The Bible, by Stephen Stewart