Hell is Self-Worship
by Michael P. Green

Margaret Evening (pseud.) relates the following in her book Who Walk Alone (p. 38):

Many years ago I had a dream. It was one of the few coherent dreams that I have ever had, but it was so vivid that even now I can remember the details of it clearly.

In the dream, I visited Hell, where the sub-Warden showed me round. To my surprise, I was led along a labyrinth of dark, dank passages from which there were numerous doors leading into cells. It was not like Hell as I had pictured it at all. In fact, it was all rather religious and “churchy”! Each cell was identical. The central piece of furniture was an altar, and before each altar knelt (or, in some cases, were prostrated) greeny-grey spectral figures in attitudes of prayer and adoration. “But whom are they worshipping?” I asked my guide. “Themselves,” came the reply immediately. “This is ‘pure’ self-worship. They are feeding on themselves and their own spiritual vitality in a kind of auto-spiritual-cannibalism. That is why they are so sickly looking and emaciated.”

 was appalled and saddened by the row upon row of cells with their non-communicating inmates, spending eternity in solitary confinement, themselves the first, last and only object of worship.

The message was clear. According to the teaching of the New Testament, Heaven is community. My dream reminded me that Hell is isolation.

Baker Books, 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching, by Michael P. Green