There is a legend which comes from the French Revolution. King Louis XVI and his queen were condemned to death. They were escorted to the guillotine in a public square in Paris where they were beheaded. The mob was not satisfied. "Bring out the Prince," they cried. "He is next!!" The young boy was terrified. He was only six years old, but he was next in line to be King. In the mind of the crowd, he had to be eliminated.
According to the story, the young prince stood on the platform trembling in his black velvet coat. The mob screamed at him, "Down with Royalty! Eliminate all royalty! Kill the Prince!!" Suddenly a shout came from the crowd: "Don't kill him. Killing him is too good for him. It will only send him to heaven, and that is too good for royalty. I say turn him over to Meg, the Witch. She'll teach him to be a sinner, and when he dies his soul will go to hell. That's what royalty deserves."
So according to the legend, that is exactly what happened. The officials turned the young prince over to the witch. The vile woman tried to teach him foul language, but every time she prompted the Prince to be profane, he would stubbornly stamp his feet and clench his fists and shout: "I will not say it. I will not speak that way. I was born a King, and I will not speak like I live in a gutter."
This apocryphal story speaks to Paul's words: "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."