Southern Utah folklore still enshrines stories about Ebenezer Bryce, a cattleman who used to run his herds early in this century on land that is now Bryce Canyon National Park. The canyon he used is actually the face of a high plateau, carved by wind and water into fantastic, colorful sandstone castles and cathedrals. Few people can stand on the canyon's rim, look down at the majestic scene below and fail to sense awe and inspiration.
Once, Bryce was asked what it was like to have spent his working life in a setting of such overwhelming natural beauty. The cattleman replied: "It is one heck of a place to lose a cow."
You might think this as proof of the man's dedication to his work, but it is probably more accurate to lay the remark to his inability to perceive the majesty of the place. Too often we are blind to the grandeur, beauty, and wonder of life.
It is easy to miss--we don't listen slowly enough!