Heavenly Orientation
Luke 24:44-53
by Staff

When men were still traveling to the moon there was an astronaut, named David Scott, who looked up into the heavens at the planet he was from. As he stepped outside his spacecraft, on to the moon's surface, he said, "I can look straight up and see the earth." At the same time, millions of Americans heard these words on their radios and TV's and could look straight up to see the moon. From the moon above, you could look "up" and see the earth below. And from the earth below, you could look "up" and see the moon above.

As Christ ascends to heaven we look up. It is the end of his earthy ministry. As he ascends he looks down. It is the beginning of our ministry, in his name.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Staff