He Lives In Me Right Now!
Acts 2:1-21
by James W. Moore

Norman Neaves some years ago told about a teacher asking the students in her fourth grade class to name the person they considered the greatest person alive in the world today.  Their responses were varied and interesting.

One little boy said, "I think it's Joe Montana because he led the 49ers to all those Super Bowl wins."  A little girl said, George Bush… and still another named Oprah… and on and on it went with the students mentioning a wide variety or celebrities.

But then it was little Donnie's turn.  Without hesitation Donnie said, "I think it's Jesus Christ because He loves everybody and is always ready to help them."  Mrs. Thompson smiled and said, "Well, I certainly like your answer, Donnie, because I'm a Christian too… and I also admire Jesus very much.  But there's one slight problem.  I said the greatest living person… and of course, Jesus lived and died almost two thousand years ago.  Do you have another name in mind?"  I love the simple, innocent, confident, wide-eyed response of little Donnie.  He said, "Oh no, Mrs. Thompson, that's not right at all.  Jesus Christ is alive!  He lives in me right now!"

That's the good news of our faith and the message of Pentecost… God is with us right now working from the inside out, giving us the Breath of Life, the Fire Power of Commitment… and the Peace That Passes All Understanding.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., What Do You Do With Such A Gift?, by James W. Moore