He Didn't Say
John 12:20-36
by Staff

You know the world is a better place because Michelangelo didn't say, 'I don't do ceilings.'" That's an important aspect of disciple, being willing to do the unexpected. It's also part of being a servant. To follow Jesus is to serve. The world is a better place because a German monk named Martin Luther didn't say, "I don't do doors."

The world is a better place, because an Oxford don named John Wesley didn't say, "I don't do fields."

Go from the beginning of the Bible to the end, and you will see over and over again the story of men and women who had servant hearts, minds and spirits. And the world is a better place, because:

  • Moses didn't say, "I don't do rivers."
  • Noah didn't say, "I don't do arks."
  • Jeremiah didn't say, "I don't do weeping."
  • Amos didn't say, "I don't do speeches."
  • Rahab didn't say, "I don't do carpets."
  • Ruth didn't say, "I don't do mothers-in-law."
  • David didn't say, "I don't do giants."
  • Mary didn't say, "I don't do virgin births."
  • Mary Magdalene didn't say, "I don't do feet."
  • John didn't say, "I don't do deserts."
  • Peter didn't say, "I don't do Gentiles."
  • Paul didn't say, "I don't do letters."
  • Jesus didn't say, "I don't do crosses."
Homiletics, Homiletics, by Staff