He's Your Brother
Luke 15:11-32
by Staff

There is a wonderful story about a young man named Billy who was attending his first day in Junior High school. At an opening assembly there was an introduction of all the homeroom teachers. Miss Smith was introduced first. She was an "easy" teacher, so the kids cheered as she was introduced. Mr. Brown was next and he also met with thundering approval. But Mr. Johnson was known to be a very strict disciplinarian. The kids jeered most unkindly when his name was called. The pain was evident on his face

This scene was devastating to young Billy. He was a sensitive kid and he could not believe how the other students were treating Mr. Johnson. Suddenly he stood up in the middle of the bleachers and shouted: "Shut up! That's my father!" Instantly, the jeering and the booing stopped.

After school, Billy went home. When he saw his real father, he began to cry. "Dad, I told a lie at school today," Billy said. He told his dad about the incident and how he had said that Mr. Johnson was his father and how he had yelled at all the other kids to "shut up" and be nice to the man.

His dad said: "It's all right, son. You just got the family members mixed up. Mr. Johnson's not your father he's your brother."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Daily Grace: Devotional Reflections to Nourish Your Soul (Colorado Springs, Co: Cook Communications Ministries, 2005), p. 153., by Staff