Have You No Faith?
Mark 4:35-41
by Harold H. Lentz

People go through life with contrasting attitudes. For some, life can be faced courageously. Others seem to cower constantly before ills that are either real or imagined. Some interesting statistics along this line were issued by the famous Mayo Clinic. They issued a report that anxiety is one of humanity's greatest foes. Their report stated that one person in every ten will have a nervous breakdown sometime in his life, induced by worry. Even more startling was their statement that one person in twenty will spend some time in a mental institution. They declared that more than half of the hospital beds in America are occupied by people whose basic trouble is due to nervousness, induced by anxiety. It was reported further that of 15,000 people treated at their clinic for stomach disorders, no physical basis for their trouble existed; fear and worry had caused their illness.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, Preaching The Miracles, by Harold H. Lentz