Happiness in All the Wrong Places
by King Duncan

If only I could move to a new town and make a new start, then I would be happy. If only I could change jobs, buy a new home, find the right man, get through college, have enough to retire, then I would be happy. If only I had this...if only I could find that.... Looking for happiness in all the wrong places.

Will Rogers said that now and then he grew tired of the same old surroundings. Then he would wish for a new place to live and work. He said he would pick some city that sounded attractive. Before he moved, however, he would subscribe to the leading newspaper in his proposed new home and read that newspaper for thirty days. Rogers declared that he would always decide not to move. The news from where he planned to live was no better than the news where he was.

Will Rogers was right. Happiness rarely comes from a change of locations, or a change of mates, or a change of situations of any kind. It is amazing how many people go through life looking for happiness in all the wrong places.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc, Collected Sermons, by King Duncan