Hand Me the Broom
Luke 1:26-38

There was a little boy who was afraid of the dark and afraid of storms. One night during a thunderstorm his mother asked him to go out on the back porch and get the broom. The boy started to go but when he tried to turn on the light, it was burnt out. Between the dark and the storm outside, he wasn't about to go out there. So he ran back and told his Mom. Well, Mom said, "You don't have to be afraid, God's right there with you and God's not gonna let anything happen to you. God's everywhere."

The little boy looked at Mom for a second and then asked, "Are you sure?" Mom assured him that it would be all right. Filled with Mom's assurance, the boy mustered up his courage and decided to go get the broom. He was getting ready to step out on the back porch when all of a sudden lightening flashed and a huge clap of thunder rumbled all around. The boy froze. His eyes were as big as dinner plates. Then he hollered: "God, if you're really out there, hand me the broom."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations