Greeks Seek Wisdom Not A Savior
John 12:20-36
by Brett Blair

There seems to be little connection between the Greek's request and Jesus' response until you begin to speculate about why this leap in logic. Something appears to be missing. Why does Jesus seemingly ignore the Greeks request for an audience with him?

Two possible reasons are put forth here. 1. Jesus knows that the Greeks "Seek Wisdom" and are only interested in debate and dialogue on theological philosophical issues of the day. Even if they are God Fearers they are perhaps noncommittal. Jesus draws a line in the sand now that this is Passion Week and, in effect says, the time for debating is over! Those who would be my disciples must lose their life and hate their life in this world in order to save it. Whoever serves me must follow me wherever I may go (verses 25- 26). Dialogue and casual consideration is not enough at this juncture in the drama. 2. Jesus knows that these are political operatives. He has just entered Jerusalem on the donkey and been given a coronation reception which was typically reserved for Kings. These Greeks want to know exactly who this person is and what his political aspirations are so they can report back to King Herod or even Caesar himself. Jesus knows their intent and so ignores their request.

Either way the attempt here, on the part of the Greeks, is to discern who this man is. What are his aspirations and desires? Who does he see himself as and what are we going to do with him? These questions are still being asked today and the major religions of the world all have their various answers.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations , by Brett Blair