Greed at Christmas
Lk 1:26-38
by King Duncan

In the cartoon, Sally Forth, Sally says to her mother after she has just viewed the large family Christmas tree with all the packages lying under it: "Have you ever noticed how one particular emotion gets real strong at Christmas?"

Her mother answers: "I sure have, honey. I get very nostalgic at this time of the year. I especially like to think back to Christmas times when I was your age. My mind fills with memories of decorating the tree . . . singing carols . . . baking cookies . . . It's a big part of the holidays for me. I'm impressed that someone your age would recognize that nostalgia is such a strong emotion at Christmas time."

Sally goes back to the tree, looks at the huge pile of wrapped gifts and thinks to herself: "Nostalgia? I was talking about GREED."

Note: A little trivia - Sally Forth is a play on words. To "sally forth" means to go on an adventure. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan