Grab Old Satan by the Neck
by King Duncan

A request was made of Dwight L. Moody while he was in England preaching a crusade. The request was to visit a man who had been an invalid for years. As he entered the man’s house, he expected to find a depressed man who lived under the gloom of his handicap. Instead, he found the man to be vibrant and full of life.

After a long visit, Moody asked the man, “Don’t you ever get discouraged, Having to lie here like this all day long, week after week?”

“Yes,” the man replied, “When the devil comes in, walks over to my bed, and whispers in my ear, Does God really love you, letting you suffer like this? Whenever that happens,” the man continued, “I just grab old Satan by the neck and drag him over to the foot of the cross. I make him look at Jesus dying for my sins. And I ask him, Doesn’t he love me?”

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan