Good Manners
Luke 14:1,7-14
by Alex Gondola

Ethel Barrymore, the great stage and screen actress, was a stickler for good manners. She once invited a younger actress to a dinner party at her home. But the young lady never appeared. She didn't even bother to offer an excuse or make an apology. She just didn't show up. Several days later Ethel Barrymore and the young lady met by chance at a museum. Embarrassed, the younger actress began, "Miss Barrymore, I believe I was invited to your house last Thursday evening for dinner." To which Ethel Barrymore responded coolly, "Yes, I believe I did invite you. Were you there?" (The Little, Brown Book of Anecdotes, Clifton Fadiman, editor, Little, Brown and Company, p. 40).

CSS Publishing Company, Come As You Are, by Alex Gondola