Going Through the Door
by Editor James S. Hewett

Once a dying patient asked his doctor, who had come to make a house call on him, what death would be like. The doctor fumbled for a reply and then he heard his dog scratching at the door of the man's room. The answer came to him. The doctor looked at the patient and said, "Did you hear that noise?

That is my dog which I brought with me tonight, and I left him downstairs before I came up to your room. He climbed those stairs for he knows that I am in here. He has no other ideas about what is in this room for he has never been here. All he knows is that I am in here and that is good enough for him. You don't know what is on the other side of the door of death, but you do know that your Master is there."

That should be good enough for all of us. We will never walk through the door or through the valley of death alone. He will always be there to go with us through the door to the other side.

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett