God Will Save You

One of the most popular stories of the past decade has to be the story of a man named Henry who lived in a valley near a river. The river had reached flood stage. Everybody was being evacuated to higher ground. Except Henry. He was staying at his house and not abandoning it. God would take care of him, he contended. Soon the water had risen to Henry's porch. His friends paddled by in a rowboat. Henry was sitting on his windowsill. "We have come to save you, Henry," they said. Henry would not budge. "God will save me," he said. It was not long before the flood waters had risen several feet. Henry was now stranded on the second floor. A rescue team came by in a motorboat. As he waved to the people from the window, they shouted to him, "Henry, we've come to save you." Henry said, "Don't worry about me. God will save me." Finally, Henry was sitting on top of his roof. A helicopter hovered overhead and someone shouted through a megaphone, "Henry, grab the rope before it's too late." But Henry would not budge. The waters rose higher. Henry drowned.

As Henry entered the gates of heaven the Lord met him. "Lord," said Henry, "I'm glad to meet you, but frankly, I am very disappointed. I counted on you to save me, but you let me drown." "Henry," said the Lord, shaking his head and smiling with understanding, "I sent a row boat, a motor boat, and even a helicopter to save you. What more did you want me to do?"

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Humor from ChristianGlobe