God Meets Us Here

A long time ago the man Moses went up into a mountain to meet God. It is not on a mountain that we meet today, but in this place dedicated to the worship of God.

As Moses went up into the mountain to meet God, so have we come to meet him here, and I pray that all of us may meet him, each in his or her own heart, each in God's own way.

To meet God, we don't have to go to some distant mountain anymore, because God has come to us - all the way to us. He has met all of us on a mountain called Calvary. "The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity" has stepped down into time and moved in close. He has come by way of a cross - in the person of Jesus Christ the Savior - all the way to the very threshold of your heart and mine, and he says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."

He who has come to us invites us to come to him, and so today we come, we come to meet him here. May we truly meet him in the spoken word of truth; may we meet him in the deep stillness of prayer; may we meet him in the stirring moments of music and song; may we meet him in the beauty of this place; may we meet him in the faces of our friends; and, going from here, may we meet him in the faces of those in need and pain to whom, perhaps, we can give a cup of cold water in his name.

If we can meet him so, then we shall have truly worshiped here.

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