God Loves You
John 20:1-18
by Steven Molin

A young college co-ed walked in to her counselor's office and confessed that she didn't believe in God anymore. Her dad was a Lutheran pastor and she had been spoon-fed the gospel all her life. But now, in college, she was smarter than all that; now she trusted science, now she believed in bright professors and thick textbooks and knowledge and reason; faith seemed to insult her intellect. When she got up to leave, the counselor said the only thing he should have said when she first sat down; "Jenny" he said, "God loves you, even when you don't believe that God exists."

Tears filled her eyes, and she said "I know he does." Faith, it seems, comes in all sorts of shapes and degrees. Maybe that's why you're here today; you've come to see and hear the story once again. You aren't certain that it's true; like Jenny, you struggle to wrap your brain around it. But you're here. Thank God you're here.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc. , Four Truths and a Lie , by Steven Molin