God Had to Become a Person
Luke 1:26-38
by Bill Bouknight

Occasionally I stop by a certain restaurant in town that has a first-class aquarium. It contains a glorious assortment of tropical fish so colorful that only God could have decorated them. It takes a lot of work to run an aquarium. The owner monitors the oxygen and nitrate levels and the ammonia content. The water is filtered. Vitamins, antibiotics, and sulfa drugs must be pumped in. The fish have to be fed regularly.

Now with all that care and attention, you would think that the fish would adore the owner. But they don't. Anytime he comes around, they dart away in fear. The owner is like a god to those fish, too big to comprehend, too frightening to love.

The only way to change that would be for the owner to somehow become a fish and communicate the truth to the other fish. Similarly, God had to become a person to communicate with us. Because God wanted to send his very best to us, he made a visit himself, in the form of Jesus.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Bill Bouknight