God Chose Amateurs
Luke 2:1-7, Luke 2:8-20
by Bruce Larson

Pastor and author Bruce Larson makes the point that when it came to delivering the greatest message on earth, God chose amateurs and nobodies instead of professionals and VIPs. The priests and religious classes were not the first to learn about the Messiah's birth. One would think that they would be the ones with all the appropriate knowledge and social clout to interpret the message to the people. But God chose to share this message with, a young unwed woman first, then with shepherds, members of an outcast and untrustworthy caste. And when he finally started his ministry he doubled down and enlisted fisherman. And that is how God chooses to operate even today. It is the average people in the streets or in the pews who have spread His message and impacted society. Not to insult the pastor's position in the church, but the ones who really make a difference for God are the lay-people. The best pastor is not always the one who does all the work of the church; the best pastor is the one who inspires and equips his or her people to go out and do that work.

The Communicator's Commentary #3 (Waco, TX.: Word Books, 1983), by Bruce Larson