Gene Simmons of the group KISS visited the Pentagon to promote military service on May 16, 2019 where he talked about his mother, who recently died at the age of 93. She was 14 when she was put in a Nazi concentration camp. As he spoke he had to stop on numerous occasions to gain his composure. This is what he said:
"I was born in Israel. I am a proud son of a concentration camp survivor, Nazi Germany. My mother was 14 when she was in the camps. My mother just passed at 93, but if Americans could see and hear my mother talk about America they would understand. I'll just cut to the chase. When we first came to America my mother let me stay up and watch TV with her. I couldn't speak English very well and my mother could barely get by. She worked 6 days a week and at night we would watch the news and whatever and by 12 o'clock the 3 or 4 TV stations would go off the air and we would hear sssssss, just noise and people would presumably go to sleep. Before then we saw a jet flying through the sky and a man with in very deep voice was saying something, i couldn't understand it, and the jet then turned skyward and flew seemingly into the heavens through the clouds and I remember what the man said, "...and saw the face of God."
And then it melted into a black and white, because in those days we didn't have color TV. The flag was full screen, billowing, and I heard, 'da da da da da da,' you know the National Anthem. I didn't know what it was or what was going on and it was almost time to go to sleep. It was late. And, every time, my mother saw the flag, she would start crying. As an eight year old boy I didn't understand why, but from my mother's point of view we were finally safe. I may have been born in the country, that people throughout history have referred to as the promised land, but take my word for it...America is the promised land. For everybody. And don't be ashamed. Don't hesitate. We need to teach young people to be comfortable saying, 'God bless America.'"