God’s Timing Is Perfect
by Dwight Gunter

Christopher Columbus, discouraged one day, walked by a monastery. He was thirsty, so he went in for a drink of water. An old monk sat with him and listened to how he wanted to go on an expedition to find another land. When the story was over, Christopher Columbus went on, but the old monk was a personal friend of Queen Isabella, and he was the one who convinced her to finance Columbus' expedition. Europe's discovery of America started with a drink of water in a monastery.

Abraham Lincoln was out in the back of his store one day, rummaging through an old barrel. As he finished, he reached down and felt a couple books in his hand. And he pulled them up and saw they were Blackstone's Commentaries. Something happened to Abraham Lincoln as he read those. He became a lawyer, and it totally changed his direction. He got into politics and became the President of the United States and healer of the wound of the Civil War. It all started with him rummaging in a barrel.

John Calvin was going down to Italy. War broke out and the road he was going to take was blockaded, so he went to Geneva. His time in Geneva made a change in his life that has changed many lives since.

George Whitfield was a bartender in England and couldn't get along with his sister-in-law, who owned the bar, so he left. Out of that experience he turned to God, went to Oxford, became part of the Holy Club with John Wesley and helped change England.

What I'm saying is this: God's timing is perfect and purposeful. We can trust Him and make the most of the opportunities He has given to us in His time.

Time, by Dwight Gunter