God’s Rescue Comes in a Quiet Way
Mark 4:35-41
by Kenneth W. Collins

We are not told that Jesus commanded the wind and the waves with masterful gestures or a great, loud voice. For all we know from the text, he just quietly told them to behave themselves. This makes sense, because people who truly have power don't need to flaunt it. God may not answer our request with the same urgency and fireworks, but that does not mean that His answer doesn't come. Don't expect a battalion of angels to vindicate you! Don't expect the heavens to open up and a deep voice to exonerate you! God's rescue comes in a quiet way; in fact those of us who are hard to teach often look back on God's rescues and decide that we were saved by something else instead: coincidence, kindness, or our own ability. Don't make that mistake so God won't have to repeat the lesson. I suppose the disciples could have shrugged the whole thing off a few weeks later as a coincidence, but they learned to have faith. Will you learn?

ChristianGlobe Network, Inc, Unanswered Prayer, by Kenneth W. Collins