God's Omnipotence
by Brett Blair

On March 5, 1979, what was called “the most powerful burst of energy ever recorded” occurred. It was described as follows:

The burst of gamma radiation picked up by the satellites lasted for only two tenths of a second. But in that brief instant it emitted as much energy as the sun does over a period of one thousand years. It was followed by a 100-second reverberation tail. Scientist thought the instruments had been temporarily affected, but it was the after effects of the burst. The amazing thing is that it saturated every single detector on our planet, keeping scientists from getting an accurate measure of the energy peak. 

If the sun had belched out the same amount of energy, the earth and all matter in our solar system would have vaporized instantly. At first it was thought that the source, since it was so strong came from our galaxy, but scientist later discovered it game from another Galaxy close to ours. What was it? It was gamma-ray eruption from a LMC (Large Magellanic Cloud). Imagine that, the strongest energy burst ever recorded and it came across a barren galactic desert between our galaxy and another. 

Reflecting on the event, astrophysicist Doyle Evans said, “Every time we think we understand the physical laws of the universe, nature seems bent on confounding us.”

Nature? Or God?

Note: More can be learned on this NASA page

ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair