Getting Ready
Mark 1:1-8
by King Duncan

The line at the Post Office was of a December length, too long really to wait for such a simple errand. But there he was. When he got to the window he asked for a sheet of Christmas stamps. The clerk proffered a brightly colored set showing lots of candles and emblazoned with the word "Kwanzaa." "No," he said, "I'd like some Christmas stamps." The clerk did a sort of ‘oh-h-h yeah' thing and rummaged around in the supply and pulled out some jolly snowmen and made ready to ring up the transaction. "No," he said again, "I'd like some religious ones." Out came more candles, this time saying "Hanukkah," and also the lovely blue ones with the gold Arabic calligraphy proclaiming "Eid." By now it was clear that this was not such a simple errand after all. "Actually," he said, "I was looking for the ones with the mother and child. I'd like some Christian Christmas stamps." What a radical notion. Christian Christmas stamps.

We are getting our homes, and our community and our church ready to welcome the King of Glory. Last week we said that the best way to prepare was to acknowledge the awesomeness of God. This week we focus on one of God's primary characteristics. In today's world it is also God's most overlooked characteristic. That is God's righteousness.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan