Get the Ball to Me
Mk 5:21-43
by King Duncan

Whether you are a basketball fan or not, you are probably familiar with the name Larry Bird, the former basketball great of the Boston Celtics. During a retirement party for Larry Bird in Boston Garden, former Celtics Coach K.C. Jones told of diagramming a play on the sidelines, only to have Bird dismiss it, saying: "Get the ball to me and get everyone out of my way."

Jones responded: "I'm the coach, and I will call the plays." Then Jones turned to the other players and said: "Get the ball to Larry, and get out of his way." 

That is basically our message for today. When those times of terror come - when it seems the light will never come and you have no where else to turn - give the ball to Jesus and get out of the way. You will discover, as did Jairus, that Christ will not let you down.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan