Genius, On The Spot
Matthew 16:13-20
by Brett Blair

Many say that the Beatles were the greatest band of all time. I won't argue that. But Band On The Run was arguably the greatest album made by either John, Paul, George and Ringo, after their breakup. One of the non-hits on the album has a great story behind it. McCartney was vacationing in Montego Bay, Jamaica where he "snuck" onto the set of the film Papillon where he met Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. That evening Hoffman and McCartney went out to dinner. While McCartney was playing around on guitar, Hoffman wondered whether it was true, the rumors, that McCartney could write a song about anything. Hoffman pulled out a magazine and saw an article about the death of Pablo Picasso and his famous last words, "Drink to me, drink to my health. You know I can't drink anymore." He showed it to McCartney and asked him if he could write a song about it. Immediately McCartney created a demo of the song, music and lyrics, prompting Hoffman to exclaim to his wife: "…look, he's doing it… he's doing it!

If you ever get a chance to listen to the album, and don't miss the song Blue Bird if you do, it's one of the most beautiful songs you've never heard, the Picasso tune is called Picasso's Last Words. But let me say: Inspiration can come from anywhere. We just have to allow ourselves to see into things and people the uniqueness that's there. Jesus looked into Peter, as broken as he was after denying his the Lord three times, and he said Peter, "Rock," on your confession (You are the Christ the Son of the living God) I am going to build my church.

ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair