Mark 9:3
by Stephen Stewart

Mark 9:3 - "And his garments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller on earth could bleach them."

We are so used to seeing laundry trucks going up and down our streets and taking dirty laundry away and bringing back clean clothing; we are properly impressed with the enterprise of the young GI’s of World War II who thought up the diaper services; we take automatic washers and dryers so much for granted; perhaps we would do well to stop for a moment and think about those who used to be sent out of the city to do their cleansing work - because they smelled! Puts us in mind of Dogpatch’s "inside man at the skonk works!" That’s about the way people felt about fullers! Nice people, you know, but - phew!

The fuller was the ancient equivalent of our laundryman. He was responsible for cl…

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Occupations Of The Bible, by Stephen Stewart