Francis of Assissi and Jesus
Matt 25:31-46; Luke 17:11-19
by John Bedingfield

Francis of Assisi, (the almost universally known monk and saint) was born into a noble family in the 12th Century, in Italy.  As a young man, he was the worst type of spoiled, rich kid. He was a musician and a party hound. He lived for music, poetry, drinking and women – not necessarily in that order.  Legend has it that after one of his trips away from home, where he could party without having to hear from his parents about his antics, as Francis was riding his horse toward Assisi, he saw a leper next to the road.  Although lepers were every bit as feared and as loath-some in the 12th Century as they were in Jesus' day, for some reason Francis dismounted and walked over to the leper.  He gave the man all the money in his pocket – and then, extra-ordinarily, he took the man's hand and kissed it.  As he put his lips to the leprous flesh, Francis felt at peace for the first time in his life. He hugged the man, previously considered untouchable and gave him the kiss of peace on his cheek.  The man kissed Francis' cheek in return.  Francis then got back on his horse and rode away.  As he turned to look back at the leper, the man was gone – Francis felt at that moment he had met and ministered to Jesus himself.

It was then that Francis' eyes were opened, open to the real Jesus living all around him.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Seeing Christ in Ordinary Faces, by John Bedingfield