Four Views of the Gospels
Luke 15:1-32
by Jerry Goebel

In this single chapter there are four views of the same God: A coin lost through no choice of its own; a sheep that strays because it hasn't the sense to know better; a boy who chooses to get lost but learns the hard way what real love means; and a brother who rejects pure love and chooses hatred and self-righteousness when he could have known pure joy.  Which story am I living out today?

Herein is what many theologians call; "the Gospel within the Gospel," and others have simply called; "the best short story ever written."  Here is a concept that rocked the theological world and bears the true heart of God; a God who searches for the lost and is wounded when we stray.  Here is a dramatic clash between the judgmental religious who believed that God longed to obliterate the sinner and God's only son who came to die for us while we yet sinners.

Which God do I offer to others?  The glaring truth is that the God I introduce to others is the same one I will someday meet.

Go After the One That Is Lost, by Jerry Goebel