Four Kinds of Saviors
John 20:1-18
by Brett Blair

The historian Arnold Toynbee in his monumental work “The Study of History” notes that there are four kinds of saviors that have appeared on history’s stage.

  • There is the savior with a scepter who is a politician who has defeated cultural and civic chaos.
  • The savior with a book who is a philosopher who has conquered ignorance.
  • The savior with the sword who is a military leader who has conquered our enemies.
  • And the savior who is a demigod, a ceasar who has conquered corruption and lawlessness.

What do they have in common? They all have succumbed to the last enemy; they could not conquer - death. The Christian faith contends that the only savior who is qualified to deliver us, bring us hope, and to save us is Jesus of Nazareth, the Galilean carpenter, because he is the only one to conquer death.

by Brett Blair