At the Coventry Cathedral in England there is probably the most dramatic symbol of forgiveness. The old cathedral, you remember, was destroyed in the blitzkrieg, in the constant bombings in England. Only a shell of the old cathedral was left. They left it, and built the new cathedral right next to it, so that the entrance into the new is through the ruins of the old. You enter new life through forgiving the past. So in the courtyard of Coventry Cathedral, where the altar was in the old church, there is a cross made out of the charred timbers of the roof of the old cathedral. It says these words, "Father, forgive."
Germans came to Coventry Cathedral and established the International Center for Christian Reconciliation. That center sponsored a team of Germans who went to Israel to work in a kibbutz. They lived with Jews in the kibbutz for six months, working side by side. When the time came to leave, an Orthodox Jew said with tears in his eyes, "When one person says to another, 'I want to love you,' one is glad. But when this is said by a person at whose hands one has suffered, there is no greater joy in this world."