For Whose Benefit?
Luke 24:36-49
by King Duncan

John Gardner, Former Secretary Health, Education & Welfare, once said something very wise. He said, "In the absence of criticism every organization ends up being managed for the benefit of the people who run it: most schools tend to be run in such a way as to serve the purposes of the teachers; the Navy tends to be run for the benefit of naval officers; the vested interests of postal employees are the predominant factor in controlling and directing the future of the post office; the policies and practices of most universities are explicable chiefly in terms of the vested interests of the professors."

If that is true about schools, military services and bureaucracies, it is also true of the church. When we are at our worst, we are under the delusion the church exists for our benefit rather than for the world.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan