For This Our Bounty
by Editor James S. Hewett

We thank thee for this smiling land of ours,
For all the beauty and the grandeur here;
We thank Thee most for freedom dearly bought
By Pilgrim band and sturdy pioneer.

Had they not bravely lived and so endured,
This priceless gift could never have been gained.
In thanks and solemn praise, we raise our hearts,
And vow to keep our honor still unstained.

For this our bounty, Lord, we give Thee thanks
With grateful hearts as brimming as our store.
Our flocks are fed, our fields have yielded well.
Dear Lord, we could not rightly ask for more.

Pray, make us humble for our harvest's yield
And mindful of our neighbors in distress;
Unless in our abundance he may share
Then empty is our show of thankfulness.

Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Illustrations Unlimited, by Editor James S. Hewett