For God All Things Are Possible
Luke 3:1-6
by John P. Jewell

I asked a group of high school young people to write headlines they would love to see and here are the top six from the group:

Peace declared all over earth!
Hunger and poverty to be eliminated by year's end!
No reports of child abuse in the US for over a year!
Religious tolerance at an all time high!
Vaccine for all forms of cancer discovered!
Officials to investigate complete absence of violent crime!

"Wonderful dreams, but not very realistic," you say. "Impossible!"  And you would be right with such thinking. Human beings on their own will never bring such a thing about. In the words of scripture, "For mortals it is impossible..." And yet, there is a promise which is deep at the center of our faith that points to a spiritual truth that lies at the center of this season and call us to be ready for God to intervene in the world, "but for God all things are possible."

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by John P. Jewell