Mark 8:31-38
by Steven Molin

Author Anthony Campolo says our attitudes start at a very early age. He brought his son to the first day of school and the principal was addressing the parents in this way: "Here at the Ding Dong School, we like to think of each child as a little flower, unique and special, one which blossoms and grows in its own special time." The problem is, the kid grows up thinking she is so special that she's the only one that matters. Then she gets a job at McDonalds, or General Motors, or Andersen Windows. I guarantee you Joe Rosell does not give this speech to the new hires: "Here at Andersen Windows, we like to think of each employee as a little flower, unique and special, one which blossoms and grows in its own special time."

There is a need for conformity. There is a need to leave our personal wants and wishes at the door, and to work together for what is best for the group. That's what it means to "deny oneself" in our day. In fact, Jesus called the Church "a body." And only when the body is working together toward a common goal, only then is the body functioning properly. Friends, take my word for it: there are an awful lot of dysfunctional churches in America today.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Following....and Other Children's Games , by Steven Molin