Focusing on the Flaws
Luke 4:21-30
by King Duncan

Upon his retirement as CEO of the Coca-cola Company Donald R. Keough spoke to the graduating class of Emory in 1993. To those young men and women who would soon be facing a very tough and critical world, he said, "I have an architect friend who says, 'I can take the newest building, built by the finest builders anywhere in the world, and if you give me a camera and the ability to focus various lenses, I can make that building look like it's about to fall down because I will find five or six minor imperfections, focus on them and convince you that the entire structure is about to topple.'"

In a society where a handful of people focus the camera of life on the events of the day, if you and I allow them to use their camera to focus on our lives, then we will be often disappointed, frequently fearful and generally miserable. Be wary of those who want to focus the camera forever on the warts and blemishes and shortcomings of our existence.

They did it to Jesus; they'll do it to you.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan