Several years ago there was a newspaper advertisement by the Institute of Life Insurance which read, “Five most memorable days in a man’s life.” The point of that was to convince people that insurance helps to underwrite and secure such days. According to the ad, the five most memorable days are: the day a man is married; the day he becomes a father; the day he buys his first home; the day he gets the job of his choice; and the day he can afford to retire.
Today is a good day to ask yourself, “What have been most memorable days in my life?” As I reflected upon that advertisement, it occurred to me that Jesus never experienced any one of those days. He never married. He never became a father. He never had the thrill of moving into His new home. While He did with His life as He chose to do, He was certainly not a business or a professional success. He never knew the joy of retirement since He died at 33. What a striking paradox -- the Man who lived the most memorable life somehow failed to experience a single one of the days our society considers to be the most memorable.[1]
Does that say to you what it says to me? I really need to look at what gives me meaning.
1. Rodney E. Wilmoth, St. Paul United Methodist Church of Omaha, January 8, 1989.