Fire on One End, Fool on the Other
Matthew 21:23-32
by Julian Gordy

A physician went to talk about the dangers of smoking to a bunch of High School students. He scared them with grim pictures of smokers' lungs and tales of death from lung cancer. The doctor finished his speech by saying, "Remember, fire on one end, fool on the other."

The students were all impressed, especially those boys who would sneak out behind the shop building at lunch to light one up. But then a couple of the guys saw the doctor himself lighting up when he got back in his car after the lecture. And his credibility was shot. He was the talk of the campus. It would have been better for the no-smoking campaign if he had never come to speak. Saying one thing and doing another is something nobody respects.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Didn't You Hear What I Said?, by Julian Gordy