Finding Fault
Psalm 1:1-6
by Hugh Drennan

A singer in the choir has joined a group of complainers at a school board meeting. They complain about poor teaching and bad administration. They grumble about the sports program, losing seasons and poor coaching. They find fault with the taxes, which are too high, and the budget which is too low to allow for the programs they want. They criticize, gripe and whine about a myriad of issues and people. The Singer’s voice is among the loudest and most vocal. The board surprises the complainers by inviting them to take one of their number who will be invited to have a seat on the board at that very moment. The Singer is selected.

As the Singer moves forward to assume her new responsibility, it dawns upon her that now she has to find solutions rather than just find fault. She looks back to her fault-finding companions, and finds no wise counsel. She then looks at the members of the board who smile back at her, who recognize her revelation about their common task. The Singer bows her head and prays for wisdom, wisdom to find and implement solutions for this important cause. As she lifts her head to begin her work, she feels blessed by the opportunity to be of service.


It is easy to find fault. One can always find company in the household of complainers and scoffers. But that company is not a blessing, it just makes you an angry person in the midst of angry folk. Solutions to difficult problems that face society are not easy to come by. They require a good deal of work, dedication and willingness to be criticized by others. But they also contain great reward. When one seeks to serve, not for personal glory or power but just to serve, you are caught up in something greater than self. At those times we are partners with God, God’s agents and stewards here on earth. And in knowing that we are blessed and bear fruit.

CSS Publishing Co., Inc., Aids To The Psalms, Cycle B, by Hugh Drennan