Fear of Disappointment
Mark 10:46-52
by Billy D. Strayhorn

Sometimes we don't open our eyes, because we're afraid we'll be disappointed in what we see, that it won't live up to our memories or expectations. It's like trying to recapture a childhood memory. Most of the time, the reality is never as good as the memory.

For example, one of my favorite meals as a teenager was to cook a cup of macaroni noodles. While they were cooking, I would sauté lots of onions. I'd throw in a can of corned beef hash, and when it was good and crispy like potato cakes, I'd add in a can of mushrooms. When all of that was done, the macaroni would be finished. I'd drain it and then mix the whole concoction together.

I tried it a couple of years ago. It was edible, but just barely. My memory of my creation was 150% better than the actual thing. That's the way some people are with opening their eyes to see Jesus. If Bartimaeus had been afraid to open his eyes, he would have blown his chance to see.

CSS Publishing Company, Inc., From the Pulpit, by Billy D. Strayhorn