Fear Can Make Us Miserable
Mt 6:25-34
by King Duncan

I remember a story about two little boys whose mother asked them to chase a chicken snake out of the henhouse. They looked everywhere for that snake, but couldn't find it. And the more they looked, the more afraid they got. Until finally, they did find it. When that happened, they fell all over themselves running out of the chicken house.

"Don't you know a chicken snake won't hurt you?" their mother asked.

"Yes, ma'am," one of the boys answered, "but there are some things that will scare you so bad you'll hurt yourself."

Most of us have been there at some time in our lives.

Fear is a terrible thing. Isn't it? All of us are afraid of something. Some of us disguise our fear better than others, but fear can make our lives miserable.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by King Duncan