False Dichotomies
Matthew 22:15-22
by Tim Pauls

Let me ask you a few questions that I am sure you can answer:

Did you put on shoes this morning, or did you come to church in a car?

Do you eat cereal for breakfast, or don't you like football?

Are you Lutheran, or do you live in America?

Will you obey God, or will you pay taxes to Caesar?

Welcome to the world of false dichotomies--things that are wrongly set against each other, "either/or"s that really aren't. Can you wear shoes and come to church in a car? Can you eat cereal and enjoy football? Can you be Lutheran and live in America? Of course; in fact, you can be an American Lutheran who wears shoes and eats cereal while enjoying football after you've traveled to and from church in a car. None of these things are mutually exclusive. Beware of the one who asks such questions, because there may well be an agenda behind them. At the same time, rejoice! Such scheming is no match for the crucified and risen

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Your Two-Kingdom Life , by Tim Pauls