Faith that Goes from Head to Heart
Numbers 11:4-35
by David Gallimore

When the people of Israel were on their journey out of Egyptian slavery into the Promised Land, it was a long and difficult journey. The people were grumbling and complaining the whole time. Moses was the leader and he’d just about had it. No matter how God helped them and what God provided for them these ungrateful people were always craving more. In Numbers 11, God provided manna for them to eat in the desert. But they didn’t want manna; they wanted meat. So God said, “Okay, meat it is. In fact I’m going to give you so much meat that in a month’s time it’s going to come spewing out of your nostrils and you will loathe it!” Isn’t that a nice picture? And Moses was mad because God was going to give them what they wanted. He said, “God don’t you know that for these people it will never be enough?”

Moses was ready just to wash his hands of the whole bunch. But that’s when he said something that goes to the very heart of what God really wants to do for His people. Moses said to Joshua, “I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!” (Numbers 11:29). What is he wishing for? That faith would go from head to heart. That religion would go from duty to passion. That spirituality would go from one part of life to the very breath of life.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., God in Us, by David Gallimore