Faith in God to Deliver
Luke 2:22-40
by Bill Bouknight

One day a letter written in a childish scrawl came to the post office addressed to "God." A postal employee, not knowing exactly what to do with the letter, opened it. This is what it said: "Dear God, my name is Jimmy. I am six years old. My father is dead and my mother is having a hard time raising me and my sister. Would you please send us $500? Love, Jimmy."

The postal employee was touched. He showed the letter to his fellow workers. All decided to kick in a few dollars each. They were able to raise $300 which they sent to the family. A couple of weeks later they received a second letter from Jimmy, addressed again to God. It said: "Dear God, thanks so much for the money. But next time please deliver it to our house. If you send it through the post office, they take out $200." I like Jimmy's expectancy. He had enough faith to believe that God would deliver what he asked, and in the full amount.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Bill Bouknight