Extraordinarily Ordinary
Mark 4:26-34
by Brett Blair

To what ordinary object would Jesus compare the reign of God today — an object that we would recognize without having to have two minutes worth of explanation before we understand? How about these:

1. The reign of God is like a tiny pebble. It doesn't look like much, but it can bring the strongest man to a stop if it's in his shoe.

2. The reign of God is like a wasp. A wasp is a tiny insect that can be crushed with a fist. You wouldn't think that it's very strong. But introduce one into a crowded room and see how disruptive it can be!

3. The reign of God is like a grain of sand. It can be so small that you can hardly see it. It's entirely insignificant, unless it gets in your eye.

No doubt you could make up your own and they would probably be very good. Why? Because the King of God is extraordinarily ordinary. 

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Brett Blair