C. K. Lee, a native Christian leader of China, was in this country a number of years ago, and he spoke one Sunday morning in a liberal church in the state of California. At the conclusion of the message, a young college student asked him a question, which many Bible teachers have been asked, “Why should we export Christianity to China when China already has Confucianism?”
And Mr. Lee replied, “Well there are three reasons why we should export Christianity to China. In the first place Confucius was a teacher and Christ is a Savior, and China needs a Savior more than a teacher. In the second place, Confucius is dead and Christ is alive, and China needs a living Savior. And in the third place, one day Confucius is going to stand before Jesus Christ and be judged by him, and China needs to know Jesus Christ as a living Savior before she has to meet him as a judge.”
ChristianGlobe Network, ChristianGlobe Illustrations, by Dr. S. Lewis Johnson