Ever Watchful
Mark 13:24-37
by King Duncan

If you were to travel with me to the southwest coast of Italy you would find that ancient city called Pompeii. It lies a short distance from Mt.Vesuvius. This volcano has produced almost a dozen destructive eruptions. In 1631 an eruption killed 18,000 people. However, the most famous eruption of Mt.Vesuvius was in 79 A.D. Not only was Pompeii destroyed but there were other cities nearby destroyed as well. We understand through geological evidence that the City of Pompeii was covered with ash and pumice at a rate of six inches per hour. In 17 hours that ancient city was buried under nine feet of ash and pumice. For 1,700 years Pompeii laid beneath tons of cinders, ashes and stone. Archaeologists in uncovering the city found the remains of many bodies preserved in hardened ash. Some of the bodies were in deep vaults as if trying to escape the volcano's destruction. The magazine pictured other bodies in luxurious chambers.

What is most interesting, however, is that a guard, a sentinel, a watchman who stood at the gate of the city was found at his post. His hands were still clutching his weapon. He had been commanded by his captain to continue his watch and even in the face of death he remained at his post. This is a timely picture for us. We need to be alert, vigilant, watchful, waiting for Christ's coming kingdom.

ChristianGlobe Networks, Inc., Christianglobe Illustrations, by King Duncan