Enter, the Conductor
by Staff

Have you at sometime watched a symphony orchestra as a performance is about to begin? The musicians sit and stand about, strumming on strings, blowing into horns, beating on drums. There is a lot of noise, but no music. Then the conductor enters. He walks to his podium and steps up onto it. His eye sweeps the scene before him - all the musicians and all their instruments. He lifts his baton, pauses there for a moment. Then he gives the downbeat. Instantly there is music, all instruments blending into one harmonious whole. The cacophony becomes symphony. 

You know, our human spirits are a lot like orchestras. Within us there may be discordant elements, warring factions that pull this way or that, and we are out of focus, out of tune - we are just not together within. As an orchestra needs a master control, so do we.

We are at worship now. We turn the whole focus of our attention to our Lord. Acknowledging that he is in command, we yield all our instruments to him.

Each of us does this, each person within. And within each of us a kind of music is made, the kind which can be produced only in the human spirit, the kind that, even there; only the Master can make.

CSS Publishing, Lima, Ohio, by Staff